Thursday, July 12, 2007

Critters 2: Gators

These are from the same batch of animal concepts as the penguins. They were all done for Hasbro Toys as character explorations a couple of years back. I enjoy doing stuff like this; messing around with shapes and proportions. I was looking at T.S. Sullivant's work as inspiration when I was doing these. The way he caricatured animals was masterful. My drawings are very pale "dart throws" in comparison!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Critters 1

Here are a couple of character studies of penguins that I did recently. Black Prismacolor.

I did this illustration of Hades (from Disney's Hercules) a number of years ago for fun while I was messing around with a painting program called Deep Paint. The program was a bear for me to use but the result was interesting. I always loved the character so I had this printed up on some canvas and it's hanging in my studio.

I've been fortunate enough to illustrate several My Little Pony projects over the years from packaging illustrations to story books. These particular ones were done for packaging and are some of my favorites.

Monday, July 9, 2007

I've taken the odd pilates class at our local YMCA. It reminds me a lot of Tai chi. One day after a particularly painful series of stretches I made some crack about "my ass feeling like it just fell off". It inspired this card to the instructor (thankfully a good friend). It's a miracle that she puts up with me!
The image was done with brush and black ink and colored in Corel Painter.

I did a drawing demonstration at a local school about 2 years ago and it was during Dr. Seuss' birthday I believe. In any case the faculty asked if I would do a little "Seuss" style drawing that could be printed onto some bookmarks that they handed out. I came up with this. Done with a #2 brush and black ink.

So I've finally caught up with everyone else and I've actually put a blog together. Ultimately I'd like to get a full website up to accompany this but in the meantime this should be a fun way to post some work that I've done, keep in touch with others folks, etc.
These first four images were done for Hasbro Toys as a character design exercise. They were done in Photoshop.