Sorry that it's been a while since I have posted anything. I've been busy with lots of work but its all stuff that I can't mention because of confidentiality.
But I can post this!
My wife and I are involved in a youth ministry at our church, It's called LOGOS. It's quite an amazing and rewarding program from my perspective both as a participant and as parent seeing my kids learn and grow with God. When I first volunteered with the ministry I thought it was just something small and exclusive to our church. But I recently found out just how big and widespread the program is when my wife and I attended a seminar in Chicago recently. Apparently the program has been in existence for about 45 years and around 3500 churches use it. Go figure! There were so many wonderful folks from different congregations from the south and mid-west and we were all there for a common purpose to help expand and nurture the faith in our children and families through LOGOS. Just before this event, one of my pastors asked me if I was interested in designing a crest for a LOGOS conference he was overseeing that was geared specifically for teens. It needed to be simple and to convey the theme of the conference which was "Dance before the Lord".
So here's the design.