I'm turning 40 this week and as an early birthday present I got myself a new Nikon D90 DSLR. It has just been so much fun using this thing! These are just a couple of quick photos I've taken using it.
I've felt like I've always had a camera strapped to me in some way since high school, being a yearbook and school paper photographer. My first real camera was a Nikon N2000 that I bought at a local used camera shop on a lay away plan. That camera got me through high school, college and into my 30's before I was able to afford an upgrade. That was my F100. I loved that camera. It felt like an extension of my hand that was hard wired to my eyeballs. It made me look like a better photographer than I am. But as digital slowly took over the landscape I found myself wanting something smaller and easier to carry to take snaps of my kids so I've had a couple of small Canon digitals and the F100 soon sat lonely on my shelf making me feel guilty, like I've been cheating on it. I kept picking up the abandoned camera just to hold it and to remember what a real camera feels like. I would push the trigger just to hear the satisfying sound of the shutter release but I just had no real reason to shoot with it or spend the cash and time to get a roll of film developed. Now here is the D90 and I feel like I've rediscovered a great old friend.